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Introducing The Glad Climate Cleanup Club
Introducing The Glad Climate Cleanup Club
Mar 5, 2025
Ben Wynn
The Climate Cleanup Club launched at the start of the year.
It’s been gaining momentum ever since, so we thought it might be a good idea to write about it and share how it works and the thinking behind it!
The Challenge of our time
At Glad we believe climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. One that impacts everyone, globally.
We know what we need to do to tackle the challenge - two things:
Reduce global emissions to zero as fast as possible
Cleanup the legacy, excess emissions already polluting our atmosphere.
On the reduction side of the equation, progress is being made. The transition to green energy, green transport and lowering carbon footprints to zero is making headway - if not evenly distributed headway - globally.
On the cleaning up side of the equation, progress is slower. A small number of very large corporations are driving demand for cleanup technologies via initiatives such as Frontier, which is fantastic, but not enough.
1988 was the last time we had safe levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, and we’ve been adding to them ever since.
Even if we hit zero new emissions globally tomorrow, we’d still have a lot of legacy, excess mess to cleanup.
Cleaning up legacy, excess greenhouse gas emissions
That’s where the Glad Climate Cleanup Club comes in.
People and organisations join our club to play their part in cleaning up that legacy, excess mess.
Members join, pay a “seasonal” (more on this below) membership fee, and help support a range of different organisations who are running projects to pull greenhouse gas out of our atmosphere, and permanently lock it away.
Seasonal Membership, Permanent Impact
Inspired by nature, we operate 12 week long seasons. All membership fees collected in each season are tallied up at the end of the 12 weeks and divided amongst that season’s chosen climate cleanup projects.
At the beginning of each season we select which projects to support, choosing a blend that includes a variety of methods of removing greenhouse gas. All our suppliers and their projects are vetted via a 12 point assessment framework that prioritises speed, permanence and additionality.
For being part of the club our amazing members get:
An Climate Cleanup Score that shows in real-time how much impact they have had over the lifetime of their membership - measured in kg and tonnes cleaned up
A digital Impact Badge that shows their score and can be shared on social media, websites, etc
An Impact Record that details their impact to date along with which seasons they have supported and other club badges they have collected over time
Access to behind-the-scenes content from our suppliers showing how the people on the ground, working on the projects we support are progressing and how membership fees are contributing to measurable, meaningful impact
The chance to vote on which suppliers and projects are supported in future seasons - Glad vets the candidates and our members input on which we support each season.
Join our growing membership and have real impact
We launched season 1 at the start of the year. So far - at time of writing - the totaliser stands at 16,092kg of greenhouse to be removed at the close of season 1!
Season 1 closes at the end of March.
We’re excited to see how much impact our members will have at the end of the season.
Find out how to join as an individual and add to that impact here - it’s just £1/$1/€1 per week - £12/$12/€12 per season.
PS - Only members who join in season 1 will get the Season 1 badge on their Impact Records, so to get this special, very first season’s badge join before the end of March!